Category Archives: Soapbox

I have fairly strong opinions, this is where I keep ’em.

Free Floating Hostility Weekend

I promised rants and unsubstantiated opinions on the last one, and the past week has given me plenty of fodder.  This may become a regular thing.  Hey, it works for Foamy. So, we’ve had quite the eventful week, what with … Continue reading

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One Nation….Divided by whatever catches our attention.

This is part one of two.  The second half will most likely involve ranting and unsubstantiated opinions.  You know, what most people turn on their televisions to watch and then go on Facebook to bitch about.  Yes, I recognize the … Continue reading

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An Open Letter To The Chicago Blackhawks, Specifically Rocky Wirtz And John McDonough

To be honest, this could be directed to all the NHL Owners, but since I follow the Chicago Blackhawks, theirs is the only post-lockout apology I read.  The apology (if if can be called that), can be found here.  For … Continue reading

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Secession or “I didn’t get my way so I’m quitting!”

No disclaimer.  It’s a Teve Torbes post.  Yes, I typed up the previous post in anticipation of this one. Holy crap. I thought people had lost their minds immediately after the election.  The amount of hatred that was spewed across … Continue reading

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Suicide is good? It is according to Ted Turner.

Disclaimer: This post is biased. I have done my best to remove offensive language from it.  However, there will probably be some remnants.  That happens when someone suggests that military deaths are a good thing. I realize that much of … Continue reading

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If There’s A New Way, I’ll Be The First In Line…

For those who don’t know, that’s the chorus from a song titled “Peace Sells” by the band Megadeth.  Been listening to it a lot lately.  It seems fairly appropriate as we approach Election Day.  I imagine there’s a few folks … Continue reading

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Apathy is not an option

“If there’s a candidate this year you feel really passionate about, consider professional help.” – Stephen Green   True enough.  The above quote was flying around the Twitters last week, and I have to agree with it.  There is no … Continue reading

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National Right to Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011

A little background before we start:  I have enjoyed shooting and firearms since about the age of 5.  I am an Eagle Scout and a native of the state of Indiana, which is a fairly politically conservative place.  I am … Continue reading

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Horn Etiquette

This grew from a discussion with my better half that came up over the weekend.  We had just dropped the kiddo off with my mother-in-law and were on our way home.  We’re sitting at a light with a few other … Continue reading

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Ten years later…

This one took some effort to write.  So much I want to say and just don’t have the words.  If you haven’t lived it, you will never truly understand it. You can’t escape it.  It’s in the news everywhere you … Continue reading

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