Category Archives: Heart-warming Tales

Various stories

Fear and Loathing in Walmart

Been awhile since I posted last.  Family, work, and playoffs have prevented that.  Such is life.  Finally, on a family vacation to Florida, I have blog fodder.  How did we get to Florida?  Go to Jenn’s blog where she’s documenting … Continue reading

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Well, You See, What Had Happened Was…

Disclaimer: this post includes military acronyms.  I’ll do my best to spell them out as I go along.  If I manage to forget one, ask in the comments. There’s also some profanity and some salty descriptions.  I’m a veteran talking … Continue reading

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Adventures In Yardwork

I was hoping to have a decent introductory post, something along the lines of “Hi, I’m Steve, yadda yadda yadda..”  Yeah, so much for that.  Writer’s block hit HARD, like Georges St-Pierre just kicked you in the face hard.  Then … Continue reading

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