Category Archives: Ranting

These are the extreme opinions…usually with some profanity.

Free Floating Hostility Weekend

I promised rants and unsubstantiated opinions on the last one, and the past week has given me plenty of fodder.  This may become a regular thing.  Hey, it works for Foamy. So, we’ve had quite the eventful week, what with … Continue reading

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An Open Letter To The Chicago Blackhawks, Specifically Rocky Wirtz And John McDonough

To be honest, this could be directed to all the NHL Owners, but since I follow the Chicago Blackhawks, theirs is the only post-lockout apology I read.  The apology (if if can be called that), can be found here.  For … Continue reading

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Suicide is good? It is according to Ted Turner.

Disclaimer: This post is biased. I have done my best to remove offensive language from it.  However, there will probably be some remnants.  That happens when someone suggests that military deaths are a good thing. I realize that much of … Continue reading

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The World’s Largest Kindergarten Class

Disclaimer: This post has a fair amount of profanity in it.  If that kind of thing offends you, you might want to skip this one. I originally wrote this back in April when the federal government shutdown was looming.  With … Continue reading

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